Columbus    September 7- 8, 2024

Ohio Expo Center Kasich Hall, 717 East 17th Avenue,
Admission $14.00 , Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6



Saturday, September 7, 2024

Stage 1 Stage 2
11:00 AM
Susan Averre
Messages From Spirit
11:00 AM
Mary Lou Mulcahy
Age Backwards Naturally
12:00 PM
Frank Bozak
Power of Mantras
12:00 PM
Annette Noyes
Perfect Psychic Match
1:00 PM
Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai
Secrets To Anti-Aging
1:00 PM
Camille Conti, CH
Master Your Psychic Gifts
2:00 PM
Arthur Cronkhite
The Biology Of Bio Energy
2:00 PM
Jimi Merk
Light Warrior Training
3:00 PM
Reverend Lucy Frances
Spiritual Experience Travel
3:00 PM
Mitsunari Kato
Healing With Jyorei
4:00 PM
John Davis
Simple Spirituality
4:00 PM
Phil Wilson
Immune Boost with Relax Sauna
5:00 PM
Kaye Smith
Decode Your Pet's Behavior
5:00 PM
John T. Long
Uncover True Authority

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stage 1 Stage 2
10:00 AM
John Thornton
Reincarnation & Soul Groups
10:00 AM
Elisabeth Sontheimer
Daily Pendulum Magic
11:00 AM
Dr Tracey Diner
EMFs And Your Health
11:00 AM
Lai Ubberud
Unlock Your Past Lives
12:00 PM
Elizabeth Blackwell
Manifest Your Space
12:00 PM
Victoria Riordan
Inner Peace Mastery
1:00 PM
Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai
Natural Solutions For Hypothyroidism
1:00 PM
Linda Haley
Connect With Your Guide
2:00 PM
Alysia Marlow Tengan
Enlightened Alignment
2:00 PM
Laith Salam
Master Your Mental Wellness
3:00 PM
Debra Ouellette
Star Children Of Gaia
3:00 PM
Pam Senek
Unlocking Energy Medicine
4:00 PM
Beverly and James Emmenecker
Transformative Power of PEMF

Columbus Performers

Susan Averre
Messages From Spirit
Saturday 11:00 AM
Stage 1

Join Susan Averre in a heartwarming session where she connects with Spirit to deliver messages from your loved ones who have passed. Experience profound evidence of the survival of the human spirit and receive messages of love and compassion. Susan's connection to Spirit brings comfort and insight, helping you feel the enduring presence of those you hold dear. Heal and find peace through these powerful connections.

Mary Lou Mulcahy
Age Backwards Naturally
Saturday 11:00 AM
Stage 2

Experience the power of Lifewave with Mary Lou Mulcahy! Discover how the innovative X39 patch rejuvenates dormant stem cells, promoting healing and restoration. Learn how this unique technology boosts vitality and wellness by elevating a key copper peptide. Enjoy relief from minor aches, better mental clarity, enhanced sports performance, and radiant skin. Join Mary Lou to uncover how Lifewave can transform your health and rejuvenate your life!

Frank Bozak
Power of Mantras
Saturday 12:00 PM
Stage 1

Discover the transformative power of mantras and invocations with Frank Bozak. Learn how these ancient practices can positively impact your daily life, enhancing your spiritual well-being and inner peace. Frank will guide you through techniques to effectively incorporate mantras and invocations into your routine, helping you harness their energy for personal growth and empowerment. Join Frank to unlock your spiritual potential.

Annette Noyes
Perfect Psychic Match
Saturday 12:00 PM
Stage 2

Unlock the secrets to finding your ideal psychic with Annette Noyes. This engaging session reveals the diverse talents psychics possess and highlights which tools best guide you toward career success, better relationships, and deeper spiritual understanding. Annette, a tarot expert, shares her insights and offers a mini-tarot reading to attendees. Enhance your journey with perfect psychic guidance and transform your life!

Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai
Secrets To Anti-Aging
Saturday 1:00 PM
Stage 1

Discover how to maintain youth and vibrancy with Dr. Paul Ling Tai. In this session, Dr. Tai unveils cutting-edge, non-invasive testing to detect your biological age and shares a practical protocol to boost energy, reduce fatigue, enhance memory, and protect against heart disease and hypothyroidism. Learn natural anti-aging techniques to rejuvenate your health, vitality and appearance. Join Dr. Tai and unlock the secrets to a younger, fitter you!

Camille Conti, CH
Master Your Psychic Gifts
Saturday 1:00 PM
Stage 2

Unlock your psychic potential with Camille Conti in this hands-on workshop. Perfect for all levels, this session sharpens your innate abilities, guiding you to master your divine channel, psychic readings, and healings. Discover your unique gifts with an assessment and receive "The 10 Step Truth Vortex" blueprint. Leave attuned and confident, ready for a fulfilling, soul-aligned career. Join Camille and transform your life!

Arthur Cronkhite
The Biology Of Bio Energy
Saturday 2:00 PM
Stage 1

Join Arthur Cronkhite to explore how your body is a frequency-based electrical system capable of self-repair and maintenance. Learn the connection between chakras and the endocrine system and how compromised electrical function leads to burnout, depression, and weight gain. Discover why maintaining your body's cellular voltage is essential for health. Gain valuable insights and skills to enhance your well-being naturally.

Jimi Merk
Light Warrior Training
Saturday 2:00 PM
Stage 2

Embrace your inner Light Warrior with Jimi Merk in this engaging and empowering session. Unlock your intuitive abilities and higher consciousness, discovering how deeply connected and sensitive you truly are. Learn to harness this sensitivity to grow, heal, and overcome obstacles. With Jimi's expert guidance, you'll develop the skills to live a balanced, secure, and heart-strong life. Step into your power and transform your journey today.

Reverend Lucy Frances
Spiritual Experience Travel
Saturday 3:00 PM
Stage 1

Join Lucy Frances on a journey to the world's most powerful spiritual sites. Explore energetic portals, pyramids, temples, and planetary chakras. Discover how these sacred destinations can clear and expand your chakras, elevate your frequency, and connect you with inner wisdom. Hear about magical past trips and get inspired for future adventures in Egypt, Ireland, Sedona, and more. Transform your spiritual journey!

Mitsunari Kato
Healing With Jyorei
Saturday 3:00 PM
Stage 2

Experience the transformative power of Jyorei with Mitsunari Kato in this live demonstration. Learn how divine light can cleanse spiritual impurities, helping you release blocks that cause physical, financial, and relationship challenges. You leave with a renewed sense of peace, clarity, and harmony. Mitsunari brings years of expertise to this powerful healing practice.

John Davis
Simple Spirituality
Saturday 4:00 PM
Stage 1

Join John for a transformative session on discovering the beautiful simplicity of your connection to the source. Learn to strip away methods, modalities, doctrines, and dogmas to uncover the fastest way to connect with your greater awareness and spiritual gifts. As the creator of the "John of New" YouTube channel, John guides you to find the power within. Come with an open mind and leave empowered with newfound spiritual clarity and connection.

Phil Wilson
Immune Boost with Relax Sauna
Saturday 4:00 PM
Stage 2

Join Phil Wilson to discover the transformative benefits of the Relax Sauna. This portable, medical-grade far-infrared system enhances respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic, and immune health. Learn how it's used to alleviate conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and neuropathy. Experience immediate improvements and gain insights to naturally boost your immune system. Transform your health with this session!

Kaye Smith
Decode Your Pet's Behavior
Saturday 5:00 PM
Stage 1

Discover the keys to understanding your pet's behavior with Kaye Smith. Learn how animal Reiki can improve communication by helping you read your pet’s energy and interpret their needs. This session provides practical tips for resolving common issues like ignoring commands or litter box aversion. Empower your connection with your furry friend and create a more harmonious bond.

John T. Long
Uncover True Authority
Saturday 5:00 PM
Stage 2

Experience a paradigm shift in governance and power with John T. Long. This session explores the hidden truths of the U.S. and state constitutions, showing they define government limits, not grant rights. Discover how federal authority is confined to Washington D.C., while real power lies with the States and you. Reclaim your true power by learning to challenge the false sense of authority that public servants hold.

John Thornton
Reincarnation & Soul Groups
Sunday 10:00 AM
Stage 1

Discover the power of soul groups with John Thornton. While soul mates are well-known, soul groups are key to your spiritual evolution. These groups, like classmates, support each other through lifetimes, helping you grow and evolve. Friends, family, lovers, and mentors all play a role. Join John to understand these connections and ignite your spiritual growth. Transform your relationships by embracing your soul group.

Elisabeth Sontheimer
Daily Pendulum Magic
Sunday 10:00 AM
Stage 2

Unlock the secrets of pendulums in this interactive session with Elisabeth Sontheimer! Discover how these beautiful tools can become your daily guide to the divine. Learn the fascinating history of dowsing and how spiritualists use pendulums for cleansing, manifesting, and communicating with spirits. Elisabeth, a seasoned expert, shares practical techniques and insights to transform your spiritual journey!

Dr Tracey Diner
EMFs And Your Health
Sunday 11:00 AM
Stage 1

Discover how EMFs impact your health 24/7 with Dr. Tracey Diner. In this informative session, learn practical strategies to protect yourself from these invisible forces in our tech-filled world. Dr. Diner, a wellness expert, also introduces her innovative jewelry line designed to safeguard your electric health. Gain the knowledge and tools you need to thrive in the modern age.

Lai Ubberud
Unlock Your Past Lives
Sunday 11:00 AM
Stage 2

Explore the hidden patterns shaping your life with Lai Ubberud in this transformative session. Discover the reasons behind your phobias, preferences, and habits, while gaining profound insights into your soul’s journey. Experience the principles of reincarnation through direct past-life readings, and walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself and the tools to enrich your present life.

Elizabeth Blackwell
Manifest Your Space
Sunday 12:00 PM
Stage 1

Transform your life with Elizabeth Blackwell's session on energy clearing and manifestation. Learn to clear negative energy and set your space to attract love, money, health, and wellness. Discover ancient methods and modern approaches, blending scientific and spiritual insights. Take home practical tips to keep your vibration high, both at home and beyond. Join Elizabeth for an enlightening class that empowers you to manifest the life you love.

Victoria Riordan
Inner Peace Mastery
Sunday 12:00 PM
Stage 2

Discover how to stay serene amidst chaos in Victoria Riordan's transformative session. Start by exploring how your feelings and inner energy shape your reality. Engage in guided practices to tune into each muscle and breath, revealing the powerful connection between your chi and the surrounding elements. Learn practical strategies to maintain balance and create calm in any situation. With Victoria's expert guidance, learn the art of inner peace.

Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai
Natural Solutions For Hypothyroidism
Sunday 1:00 PM
Stage 1

Join Dr. Paul Ling Tai to uncover the powerful effects of natural plant-based solutions for hypothyroidism. Learn about the damaging impacts of adrenal fatigue and stress on your body and how they contribute to various health issues. Dr. Tai guides you through a practical, all-natural protocol to reverse hypothyroidism, alleviate stress, and eliminate adrenal fatigue. Gain valuable insights and skills for a healthier, more balanced life.

Linda Haley
Connect With Your Guide
Sunday 1:00 PM
Stage 2

Join Linda Haley on a journey to connect with your spirit guide. Explore the various forms your guide may take, from loved ones to divine beings, and learn how to recognize their presence. Linda, Executive Director of The Reiki Center, leads a meditation to strengthen your connection and help you identify true guides. Enhance your experience by bringing your pendulum to this transformative session.

Alysia Marlow Tengan
Enlightened Alignment
Sunday 2:00 PM
Stage 1

Experience deep relaxation and inspiration with Alysia Marlow Tengan. Using the RoXiva RX1, a hypnagogic light machine, you'll journey into profound meditative states through stroboscopic white light and sound. Simply relax, close your eyes, and immerse yourself. After the "DMT Light" meditation, join a Q&A to integrate your experience. Don't miss this transformative session with Alysia! Not for those with photosensitivity or epilepsy.

Laith Salam
Master Your Mental Wellness
Sunday 2:00 PM
Stage 2

Empower yourself with the tools to take control of your mental health in this session with Laith Salam. Learn the difference between your subconscious and conscious mind and discover practical techniques for releasing past trauma and negative energy. Through engaging film clips and clear insights, Laith guides you toward mental clarity and emotional freedom.

Debra Ouellette
Star Children Of Gaia
Sunday 3:00 PM
Stage 1

Join Debra Ouellette on a cosmic journey to uncover the mysteries of the stars. Discover sentient life in those twinkling lights at night. Take a quiz to learn your Starseed background and engage in discussions from "The Star People" by Brad Steiger. If time permits, Debra offers Star Child readings, sharing insights from her metaphysical gifts. Connect with your celestial origins.

Pam Senek
Unlocking Energy Medicine
Sunday 3:00 PM
Stage 2

Discover how energy medicine can help you tap into the invisible forces that shape your health and well-being. In this interactive session, explore how subtle energy flows through your body, affecting your thoughts, emotions, and physical state. Learn how energy blocks can manifest as symptoms and how they relate to your chakras and Ayurvedic elements. Pam guides you through techniques to clear these blocks, empowering your body’s natural abiliDiscover how energy medicine can help you tap into the invisible forces that shape your health and well-being. In this interactive session, explore how subtle energy flows through your body, affecting your thoughts, emotions, and physical state. Learn how energy blocks can manifest as symptoms and how they relate to your chakras and Ayurvedic elements. Pam guides you through techniques to clear these blocks, empowering your body’s natural abili...

Beverly and James Emmenecker
Transformative Power of PEMF
Sunday 4:00 PM
Stage 1

Jim and Bev Emmenecker share their experience as they explain what the Vagus Nerve and the Parasympathetic Nervous System are and how PEMF technology holds immense potential for enhancing their function. By promoting relaxation, reducing inflammation and improving nerve signaling, PEMF therapy can positively impact various aspects of health and well-being.


Columbus Exhibitors

The Emerald Box Turtle
Booth # 1
Amesville, OH

Lavender Sky Messages
Booth # 6
Columbus, OH

Booth # 13
Chesterfield, MI

European Psychic Lai
Booth # 19
Houston, TX

Frank Bozak and Amy Terefenko
Booth # 25
Canadensis, PA

Tend Energetics, LLC
Booth # 27
Dublin, OH

Spiritual Psychic Polly
Booth # 30
Weirton, WV

John Michael Thornton
Booth # 2
Youngstown, OH

Medium At Large
Booth # 3
Lakewood, OH

Booth # 4
Perrysburg, OH

Christipher Michael Hogan
Booth # 12
Clinton Township, MI

Sharon Sampsel
Booth # 22
Sacramento, CA

Ross A. Fillmore - Psychic Intuitive Card Reader
Booth # 23

Booth # 24
Columbus, OH

Soul and Source Reiki
Booth # 29
Powell, OH

New York's Divine Channel, Camille Conti
Booth # 201
Rochester, NY

A1 Aura & Chakras Readings
Booth # 301
Midland, MI

Magnetude Jewelry
Booth # 305
Woodbine, MD

Booth # 313
Danville, IL

A Design by Lindaa
Booth # 317
Hamilton, OH

Krishna Life Atlanta
Booth # 401
Atlanta, GA

Jimi Designs
Booth # 405
Cincinnati, OH

Charmed Crystals
Booth # 413
Akron, OH

Blissful Home and Body
Booth # 417
Bloomington, IL

Craft Body Scan
Booth # 501
Nashville, TN

Onestep Wellness Ltd
Booth # 505
Reynoldsburg, OH

John of New
Booth # 513
Fairlawn, OH
Booth # 601
Guys Mills, PA

Ochs Enterprises DBA Vibraplate
Booth # 605
Seffner, FL

Health Secrets USA
Booth # 306
Dearborn Heights, MI

Spiritual Horizons
Booth # 406
Delaware, OH

Relax Saunas
Booth # 418
Columbus, OH

Integra Acupuncture Wellness Associates
Booth # 420
Columbus, OH

OlyLife Independent Distributor
Booth # 508
Perrysburg, OH

Ochs Enterprises DBA Vibraplate
Booth # 604
Seffner, FL

Shumei America
Booth # 515

Iridescent Soul Center LLC
Booth # 504
Columbus, OH

Booth # 414
Clermont, FL

Herb & Hawthorne
Booth # 415
Littleton, CO

Light Alchemy HI
Booth # 416
Makawao, HI

Madam Sandy
Booth # 402
new york, NY

PJ’s Intuitive Guidance
Booth # 403
Westerville, OH

A Design by Lindaa
Booth # 316
Hamilton, OH

The Reiki Center
Booth # 302
Columbus, OH

The Reiki Center
Booth # 303
Columbus, OH

Booth # 202
Munford, AL

Hubbard Dianetics Foundation
Booth # 204
Columbus, OH


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September 7- 8, 2024
Ohio Expo Center Kasich Hall, 717 East 17th Avenue 
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6,  Admission $14.00
* May not be combined with any other discounts
* Must be printed, one per person