Thomas J Nolan III

Room No: 63

The Holistic Warrior
Norman, OK

Show Special: No Data Available.


Thomas is a teacher with advanced degrees in chemistry, behavior modification and ecological psychology. He has studied and researched Silva Mind Control, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and developed The Path of the Holistic Warrior. Dr. Nolan has also studied with several schools, including the Rosicrucians, School of Metaphysics, and the Gurdjieffian Movement. As a result of these experiences, he has developed a system, "The Pathway of the Holistic Warrior", which focuses on balancing inner and outer world realities. Through this system, consultations, individual programs, and workshops are offered on developing your own pathway in life, your life's work, or as Campbell said, "Find your own Bliss!"


September 6- 8, 2019

Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6

Denver Mart,
451 E 58th Ave

Admission $7


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