Dan Liss Longmont, CO http://www.magicalawakenings.com
Show Special: No Data Available.
Dan Liss is a popular psychic reader and healer with more than 40 years experience. He uses techniques such as tarot, past lives, numerology, dream interpretation, runes, energy clearing, chakra balancing, Reiki, meditation, visualization, house blessings and mentoring. Dan Liss has been driven by curiosity to discover new ways of doing things, exploring to develop his abilities and discovering more about how to do things and how to do them better. His focus is on being of service to all who come to him. Dan Liss affirms that with the assistance of his spirit guides he brings through something that is useful to each person when they come to him.
September 6- 8, 2019
Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Admission $7