International Sirius Center SHERMAN OAKS, CA
Show Special: No Data Available.
All religions have two approaches – an external path of following dogmas and rituals and an inner path of search for immediate personal communication with God. Very few people risk following the second path of initiations, secret knowledge and personal mystical experience. During historical times there existed secret schools of initiations on earth (Pythagorean community, ancient Egypt schools). At the end of 19th century an attempt to give a part of secret knowledge to a wider audience was undertaken through H.P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical society. Afterwards the knowledge was given through a number of organizations in America: the I AM Activity (Guy & Edna Ballard), the Summit Lighthouse (Mark & Elizabeth Prophet). Since 2005 Tatyana Mickushina (Russia) receives messages from Ascended Masters (El Morya, Gautama Buddha, Saint German, Jesus…). These Messages give the Divine Knowledge to the present Mankind about the current historic moment of planet Earth, origin of Good & Evil, Karma, the Path of Initiations, the human ego, the Higher Self. Tatyana Mickushina wrote more then 60 books. Messages are translated into 21 languages, 20 books are published in English. This Knowledge is a helping hand extended through the worlds for the sake of the spiritual evolution of mankind.
September 6- 8, 2019
Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Admission $7