Beverly Voss

Room No: 37

The Elysian Pathway
Westminster, CO

Show Special: No Data Available.


Dowsing is the art and science of linking the subconscious to the superconscious and bringing both up to the conscious level. The Dowsing Tool is the sensing device for clear and concise communication. We all have many questions about our lives and our choices. We all desire real, practical and authentic answers which will guide us to the next best choice. Beverly Voss works with numerous complex Dowsing charts addressing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Other charts may be utilized with a broader range of solutions for the client. Beverly is capable of finding the problem and clearing the blocked and stagnant energy creating these issues. Beverly has access to a vast and unlimited amount of information via the Dowsing System. This information is available to all and comes from deep within us where all knowledge exists. In the end, we are the silver bullet.


September 6-8

Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Denver Mart,
451 E 58th Ave

Daily Admission $7


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