Deborah Richmond Foulkes

Room No: 9

Creedmoor, NC

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Deborah Richmond Foulkes is commissioned in the Spiritualist church as a Certified Medium. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Trained in Past Life Regression Therapy, Dr. Brian Weiss certification. In addition to her work as a healer, Deborah has completed extensive academic research in Scotland and England to prove reincarnation; publishing six books written with Spirit. An award winning author on the subject of Reincarnation, RIGHT OF PASSAGE, What the Dead say about Reincarnation was available at Lily Dale in NY and online with most retailers in both hard copy and e-book format. Working with Spirit the author- medium has developed a reincarnation Lifetimes Oracle Deck that she uses during her past life readings. The evidential sessions on Past Lives have helped clients heal in their current lifetime. Deborah Richmond Foulkes has lectured and demonstrated Mediumship internationally in Scotland, England, Belgium, the Bahamas, Finland, Canada and throughout the United States, with appearances and interviews on BBC Scotland, NBC Ch.17 Raleigh, ION Network Chicago, and Comcast Philadelphia and Boston. Her lectures have been well received as they are fast-paced, exciting and very informat...


February 26-27

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,
4285 Trinity Rd

Weekend Admission $14


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