Hemi-Sync/Subtle Energy Skills Urbana, OH http://
Show Special: No Data Available.
Lyra and John, of Subtle Energy Skills LLC assist individuals to grow, to tap into their intuitive skills and to find solutions to their personal, energetic transformations. They provide products for and answer questions about super learning, meditation, sleep, and altered states of consciousness. Subtle Energy Skills offers energetic evaluations, energy work and teach energy skills. We provide chakra kits and a wide variety of energetic gemstone jewelry that assist with the processes of grounding, clearing, balancing and expanding individuals’ energies. In addition, special gemstone jewelry combinations help balance individuals involved in group work, stressful situations, healing work or attune individuals to a higher vibration. Protective devices and essences are available that clear the body and aura of blocked and chaotic energies. We offer “Owning Your Space/Owning Your Energy” 6-week mentored workshops, via phone, flexible scheduling to teach individuals how to maintain high levels of energy wherever they go, with whomever they are with and whatever they are doing. Lyra is a licensed massage therapist, energy worker and channels. John is an energy worker and p...
February 26-27
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6 NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,4285 Trinity Rd
Weekend Admission $14