Eckankar Madison, WI
Show Special: No Data Available.
ECKANKAR is Love, Wisdom & Spiritual Freedom. Soul exists because God loves it. You are Soul, an eternal, creative being. Unlimited. Divine. Does something inside you long to know life’s purpose? To make sense of the world around you? ECKANKAR is an active, individual, creative spiritual practice. A companion and road map for your journey home—to the heights of Self-Discovery and God-Discovery, and beyond. Come along and discover the most secret part of yourself and unlock the hidden meaning of your dreams, discover your past lives and consciously expand your awareness via Soul Travel. The key to spiritual freedom lies within you. Explore the ancient spiritual teaching and the modern-day religion of ECKANKAR that offers spiritual techniques and resources for an individual to discover truth through personal experience. Website: Website: Facebook: and Meetup: or:
March 25-26, 2023
Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5
Admission $12