Alimtox Wellness Huntington Beach, CA
Show Special: No Data Available.
It is said that the Eucalyptus tree is the most useful tree in the world. With over 700 varieties, the eucalyptus trees have been used for everything from paper, perfume base, soil enhancing landscape mulch, fiberboard, honey blossoms, mosquito killing smudge, air cleaner, commercial sanitizer and more! Doctors in the 1800's in Australia reported using eucalyptus on over 400 ailments. Of the many eucalyptus varieties only a few are used for medicinal purposes due to the cineol percent content. The medicinal quality is measured by the cineol content of the eucalyptus and should be 70-90%. Eucalyptus also contains citronella, which has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties which make it excellent for many conditions. Eucalyptus is storied over the years for it's antiviral, expectorant and energizing and aromatherapy properties and even cleaning capabilities! What a tree!! So many uses to discover and enjoy for your health and environment!
October 21-22
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6 Midwest Conference Center,401 W Lake St
Weekend Admission $15