The Hearts Center Bloomingdale, IL
Show Special: No Data Available.
The Hearts Center is a dynamic worldwide movement offering up-to-the-minute teachings and inspiration from the ascended masters through David Christopher Lewis, anointed messenger of the Universal Great White Brotherhood. As a virtual community, we daily broadcast free prayer services of meditation, singing, praying, sharing, and teaching. We gather in person for events worldwide, including quarterly conferences and annual pilgrimages. We teach that with the guidance of the ascended masters, each of us has an opportunity to advance in discipleship toward the goal of the ascension through study, daily devotional practices, and loving service to life. Although we accept truth as found in the mystic paths of all religions, we are not bound by doctrine and dogma. We maintain an ear to heaven as we listen to the hearts of those in need of assistance on earth. Unique from previous ascended master movements, we accept the great blessings and the foundations laid by each one that has gone before.
October 21-22
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6 Midwest Conference Center,401 W Lake St
Weekend Admission $15