Lyn Hunter

Room No: 21

Lightworker Ascension LLC
Oak Creek, WI

Show Special: No Data Available.


Visit Lightworker Ascension to get a 20 minute Spirit Animal Reading or Dragon Healing. In a Spirit Animal Reading, I work with many different animals and I connect you with a Spirit (or Power or Totem) Animal that wants to stay with you and help you with a specific issue or goal. Other Spirit Animals also bring short messages, but one animal will want to stay with you. After hearing what the Spirit Animals want you to know, you send the energy of your ‘keeper’ Spirit Animal into a crystal that you take with you. I have beautiful cards for most animals, which you also get to keep (if I have your animal). You can also get a 20 minute Dragon Healing where I take you on a healing meditation guided by a Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Light, or Ether Dragon-expect lots of LIGHT. I also offer a mini-five minute chakra tune up with select crystals. You get to keep the crystals, so you can use your chakra chart with the free online meditations I have created for you to continue working with stones and healing your energy centers. After the fair, visit LightworkerAscension.com to order a reading, healing, chakra kit, or spiritual class.


October 21-22

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Midwest Conference Center,
401 W Lake St

Weekend Admission $15


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