Kathryn Orford

Room No: 206

Kathryn Orford Enterprises

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Show Special: Save 10% on all purchases over $25.


I'm a Human Behavior and Human Potential Expert who's been interviewed on every major television network across the US about my Best Selling Book ~ 'Become your #1 Fan - How to Silence your Inner Critic and Live the Life of your Dreams.' I'd love to help you banish your Inner Demons, Silence Your Inner Critic (d turn it into your cheer squad,) Stop Playing the Compare and Despair Game, and Embrace who you really are, so that you can reach your true potential.


October 28-29, 2023

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11-6

Blaisdell Center,
777 Ward Ave

Daily Admission $10
Weekend Admission $10

10 buy tickets at the door