Our Sacred Connections, LLC. Fishers, IN http://www.oursacredconnections.com
Show Special: Crystals, Gems, Minerals, Stones.
Who are you? … a simple enough question, one would think, but often a question never intentionally answered. We float along in the river called “life”, thinking we know where we are going when in reality we are just “going with the flow” … directionless without intention, mostly unfulfilled and wondering “what next”. Easy enough to be swept up into the current of daily activity such that we take no time to think …. Until…. One day, we crash into the rocks and meet “life” face to face. It always happens at the most inconvenient time, without warning, and usually we are left broken, barely able to move while everything else in life spins out of control. It’s in this “do or die” moment that we arrive at the crossroad… Either face Life to “Unleash the Hero Within” or lose yourself in the swirl and mire of world. The Hero’s quest is a lonely journey that only you can make… filled with challenges and pitfalls. However, help is on the way….. Sandy has developed a roadmap to guide you using the energy of 12 crystals archetypes. These crystals will magnify, focus, and enlighten the Hero’s path enabling you to navigate the pitfalls ...
March 2-3
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6 Midwest Conference Center,401 W Lake St
Weekend Admission $15