
Room No: 410

Hemi-Sync/Subtle Energy Skills
Urbana, OH

Show Special: No Data Available.


Lyra and John, of Subtle Energy Skills LLC assist individuals to tap into their intuitive skills with a sound technology that balances the hemispheres of the brain, energy tools, crystals and gemstones. We offer energetic evaluations, energy work and specialize in addressing altered states of consciousness. We provide chakra kits and a wide variety of energetic gemstone jewelry that assist with the processes of grounding, clearing, balancing and expanding individuals’ energies. We offer consultations and mentored workshops all focused on how to maintain high levels of energy, intuitive skills and consciousness awareness. Lyra is a licensed massage therapist, energy worker and channels. John is an energy worker and excels in explaining topics associated with out of body travel.


March 2-3

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Midwest Conference Center,
401 W Lake St

Weekend Admission $15


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