Spiritual Medium Jackie Fraser

Room No: 211

Jackie Glows & Simona Darla
Jacksonville, FL

Show Special: No Data Available.


Jackie is a trained and certified Sacred Oracle & Medium, who has the ability to tap into your soul's highest timeline, communicate directly with your spiritual team as well as loved ones in spirit. She has trained with some of the best spiritual teachers throughout the world. She brings clarity and new perspectives for her clients as well as holds sacred retreats with sacred medicines. Simona is a Nusta Paqo Healer who was initiated in Peru. She combines craniosacral therapy with the Andean mystical traditions and healing rituals to provide Shamanic Craniosacral Therapy. Simona is a facilitator of the Sacred Rape Shamanic Snuff, which allows her clients to experience healing on a deeper level.


March 2-3

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Midwest Conference Center,
401 W Lake St

Weekend Admission $15


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