Julie Muth & Ronelle Coburn

Room No: 508

Life Purpose Now, Lifeprints Analysis
Chicago & Portland, OR

Show Special: No Data Available.


Life Purpose Hand & Fingerprint Analysis. Come see us if you are ready to learn your REAL Life Purpose from your unique DNA-encoded fingerprints so you can STOP guessing and START LIVING! *** We also decode the rest of the hands for all aspects of your personality psychology. After all, self-awareness is the first step to understanding the motivations of your mind, emotions, body and spirit. From special talents and skills, to relationship issues, career preferences, and the challenges you must work with to navigate your life effectively, we have helped thousands of Life Purpose seekers understand EXACTLY what makes life the one they LOVE to wake up to. *** Julie Muth (palmreadingperspectives@gmail.com) and Ronelle Coburn (LifePurposeNow.com) are trained certified hand analysts. Julie lives in Chicago and loves helping her clients recognize their highest potentials and how to activate them through down-to-earth practical steps. Ronelle has been featured on NBC's Today Show, and is the author of Life Purpose Now: It's In Your Fingerprints. She lives in Portland, OR and has traveled the world to help others find the freedom that comes with consciously living on-purpose.


March 2-3

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Midwest Conference Center,
401 W Lake St

Weekend Admission $15


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