Marie, the Spirit Guide

Room No: 2

Marie, the Spirit Guide
San Rafael, CA

Show Special: No Data Available.


Hello! I call myself Marie, the Spirit Guide. Why? Because that is exactly what I do - I guide spirits. Sometimes the spirits are in their bodies, like you and me. And sometimes, they’re not, like deceased loved ones, or lost souls. My psychic readings & healings help people by giving them deeper insights, fresh perspectives, and releases from invalidation. I also teach Intuitive Awareness training classes, in a meditation format. Why? Because that's how I started, and continue to benefit from. I practice what I preach. Intuitive Meditation has healed me, and I want the same for you. Therefore I teach meditation. Let me help you.


April 6- 7, 2024

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5

Scottish Rite Masonic Center,
6151 H St

Admission $12