Quirky Corky

Room No: 7

Quirky's Couch - VibroAcoustic Therapy
Grass Valley, CA

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Show Special: QC_FreeDemo.


Through tactile transducers, gentle low frequency sine waves selected to resonate specific areas of the body are transmitted. This therapy delivers natural stimulants in a non-invasive process that exercises the brain and central nervous system with the specific intent of balancing, optimizing and harmonizing the body and brain. During a VAT session, sound waves programmed at very specific frequencies generate an “internal massage” at the cellular level. In this way, organs deep within the body which cannot be reached by traditional methods – nerves, glands, heart, lungs, deep-lying blood vessels, myofascial and brain tissue - are gently stimulated through sound vibrations. In addition to specialized low frequency programs, binaural beats are used in some of our therapies to aid deeper relaxation, as well as other benefits. In fact, through our specialized software, we can actually tailor beneficial programs for the individual needs of our clients for: stress management, insomnia, reduce blood pressure and aid in circulation, integrating sensory input, relief of migraine and headache symptoms, alleviate pain from arthritis, & muscle strain, deepened meditation


April 6- 7, 2024

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5

Scottish Rite Masonic Center,
6151 H St

Admission $12