
Room No: 303

Yoni Flower Temple
Sacramento, CA

Show Special: Free art sticker with yoni egg purchase!.


In ancient China, women of the royal palace knew how to use a powerful tool known as the jade egg (yoni egg) to harness & cultivate the power of their sacred sexual life force energy - enhancing vitality, longevity, and overall well-being. At Yoni Flower Temple, Tiffany (Sacred Femininity Facilitator) seeks to honor the art of this ancient tradition while supporting modern-day women of all ages and phases of life to feel more Love, Pleasure & Radiance. We offer high-quality, ethical, eco-friendly, love-infused yoni crystal kits along with educational guidance, coaching, and workshops to support women in embodying their womb-heart wisdom.


April 6- 7, 2024

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5

Scottish Rite Masonic Center,
6151 H St

Admission $12