A Mystics Garden Angier, NC http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Mystics-Garden/115489225196331
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Unique Jewelry and Crystal Back Massagers. Intuitive Counseling and Life Coaching. Meditation Music and Natural Products. Jan Petrie has traveled the country for 25 years doing readings, lectures, and energy work. She is also known for her regressions and healing abilities. Jan was raised by a scientist and taught to trust her feelings at an early age, allowing information to come thru accurately. She unlocks doors to higher vibrational frequencies showing you how to find your own Divine path, and how to move forward on it. Along the way you can meet teachers, guides and Angels. Her experience has made her one of he most successful intuitive readers known nationally today. Jan helps to bring people to their full potential and has changed lives by helping them understand their path and by removing their negativity. Dawn Prior, Energy Worker, is an energy worker and spiritual counselor. She was raised in a metaphysical family and has a unique perspective on the challenges of nurturing, balancing, strengthening, and maintaining her gifts. Dawn travels the country giving lectures, teaching energy work, and doing chakra balancing, along with giving information on how to use energ...
February 22-23
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6 NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,4285 Trinity Rd
Weekend Admission $15