Celebration Schedule

Sunday, October 15, 2023

10:00 AM-11:00 AM

(Stage 1)
Rajesh Karki

Booth : 154

Rajesh Karki


The Importance Of Meditation & How To Meditate

Join Rajesh as he discusses how meditation leads to peace in ones life and how it reflects in the society which eventually helps to bring peace on earth. The presentation includes the origin of yoga, meditation and description of what does it means to meditate. Rajesh speaks about contemporary understanding vs holistic understanding of yoga and meditation, and the benefit and importance of meditation in our life.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Annette Noyes

Booth : 1

Annette Noyes

The Emerald Box Turtle

How To PickThe Perfect Psychic

Just as each of us is blessed with different talents and skills, so are psychics. When choosing what type of psychic one engages with, knowing what skills to seek is important. Join Annette as she teaches what tools are most commonly used by psychics and how the information derived from those divinatory methods can guide you toward career advancement, better relationships, or greater spiritual understanding. Annette Noyes specializes in Tarot card readings and she shares her knowledge of that particular tool. At the end of the lecture, you’ll be invited to choose a Tarot card for a free mini-reading if you wish.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Shweta Jain-Lengade

Booth : 131

Shweta Jain-Lengade

Earth Radiance Holistic Skincare

Skin Health With Ayurveda

Join Shweta Jain as she discusses Ayurveda is a natural healing system; it is a beautiful ancient selfcare ritual that promotes longevity. Learn about nature's bio-energies and their origin and role in maintaining harmony. The formation of the dosha’s and its vitality aids a self-care ritual and an array of healthy practices to physiological and psychological state of a person. Discover how the holistic path of Ayurvedic tradition enhances well being from the inside-out, understanding our largest organ and how to preserve a radiant looking skin. Learn how simple functional ingredients can heal concerns like sensitive skin, rosacea, acne. Safe choices for mom to be, lactating moms and any one undergoing medical concern.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Angelique Clarke

Booth : 104

Angelique Clarke

Emerald Heart

Seeking The Light Of The " I AM" Presence Within

Join Angelique as she discusses the power of words create intentions and our thoughts create action. Working with our "I AM" presence helps to lift our frequency and vibrations, connecting us to our true self and purpose.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Richard Hartnett

Booth : 6

Richard Hartnett

Richard Hartnett

Introduction To The Tarot

If you have ever wanted to learn about Tarot cards, this is your chance! This presentation is full of information for everyone from novices to experts. Richard touches on his new expanded Tarot deck called, “The Evolutionary Tarot”! Richard has been a professional psychic reader for over 40 years and is a certified Tarot Instructor with the American Tarot Association.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Roland Walters

Booth : 124

Roland Walters

In the Healing LIght

I AM! Energy Cascade

Join Roland, not for a lecture, but rather a group healing event. Come and experience how through just being in the moment along with being one with others in a group setting can provide healing. There is an energy magnification effect to this group setting. When more individuals with the same intention join the group, the power of the energy increases. The vibration rises. Awareness of the Light within grows! By allowing ourselves to just Be, in a group, we can experience so much!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Alysia Marlow Tengan

Booth : 102

Alysia Marlow Tengan

Light Alchemy HI

Enlightened Alignment: Light & Energy Experience

Sometimes referred to as a hypnagogic light machine, or as audio-visual brainwave entrainment, the RoXiva RX1 uses stroboscopic white light combined with sound. This experience will effortlessly guide you into deeply relaxing and/or profoundly inspiring states of mind. All you need to do is find the most comfortable position possible and close your eyes. Following our group "DMT Light" Meditation Journey, we break into smaller groups to play with potent energy-shifting tools. eForcePlus contains a blend of rare earth minerals in their purest form. *Not intended for those who are both photosensitive & epileptic.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 1)

Cinnamon Mancini

Cinnamon Mancini, Spiritual Medium

Mediumship: A Connection To The Spirit World

Join Cinnamon as she chooses an audience member at random and connects with their loved one in spirit. She speaks to the language of Spirit which is based in love, and discuss how we are all prewired from conception to communicate with the spirit world. The presentation will be filled with fun, knowledge and the eternal truth that we are more than our physical bodies. You will not want to miss this event!!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Susan Latner

Booth : 120

Susan Latner

Susan Latner LLC

Lighten Your Path, Energy To Nourish The Soul

As we explore what needs to be accomplished in life, there is energy available to make your journey a success. This uplifting and nurturing focus assists in pursuing joy in life and aids in lightening the challenges.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Sarah Ray

Booth : 144

Sarah Ray


Finding Stillness

Imagine who you could be without the weight of stories you carry. Join Sarah as she shares some of her story. Coming from such a deep level of self-hatred, judgement, and fear, she honestly never saw a path ahead of any change. It has taken her to really get honest with herself over the last 8 years. Sarah shares some of the tools that has helped her along this process. Learn how to sit with yourself in stillness, and find peace. She also shares more information on her art and how the pieces that she creates can also be a tool for shadow work and healing.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 2)

Karen Mascuch

Heron Wellness

Your Universal Guides

Join Karen to discover your innate power to heal, transform and communicate with your universal guides.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

4:00 PM-5:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Aleathia Williams

Booth : 146

Aleathia Williams

Goddess Sage Wands

Smoke Cleanse: Sage & Other Herbs

Join Goddess Sage as she discusses the use of sage and other herbs to smoke cleanse. She teaches herb correspondences, the process of smoke cleansing and some history and facts about Sage.


Virginia Beach

October 14-15, 2023

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-6

VA Wesleyan University-Batten Center,
5817 Wesleyan Dr

Admission $12