Kathy Baker / The Souls Journey White Lake, MI www.thesoulsjourney.org
Journey to Loved Ones & Guides in Spirit through your Sacred Heart Internationally known as the “Healer of the Heart,” Kathy is a gifted spiritual medium, soul connector, and channeler who has a unique process to help you connect with your departed loved ones, angels, soul, and Spirit. She will take you on a journey to your Sacred Heart, where you will connect with your departed loved ones, or your angels. Kathy will channel your soul and Spirit for guided information. This connection will enlighten you, while empowering you to create your heart's desire, bring clarity to any of life's questions you may have, or help heal your broken heart. Every journey will include a heart healing from the angels.
November 20-21
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-7 Sharonville Convention Center,11355 Chester Rd
Daily Admission $15