Sandy Wilcox

Booth No: 105

Our Sacred Connections, LLC.
Fishers, IN

Master Key Crystals & 12 Laws of the Universe

God gives us specific “Master Keys”—12 Alchemical Universal Laws are the fundamental keys to creation with direct connection to Source Energy. They are meant to be used in unison—not one law over the other--but rather engaged together. All the answers you need, and the tools to find them are here right now. Paring each law with a “Master Crystal” that embodies the energy, vibration, and consciousness of the law to the crystal. Sandy will discuss each law, its implications, and applications in your life, and how to use the energy of the crystal to magnify and engage the law. You no longer need to stand in the confusion wondering “Why” or “How”? Rather, you come to the realization of the “I AM”.


November 20-21

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-7
Sharonville Convention Center,
11355 Chester Rd

Daily Admission $15


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