Discover the joys of connecting with Spirit as you learn how to speak with your loved ones, guides, and angels. Rev. Rose Vanden Eynden is a Spiritualist minister, clairvoyant medium, instructor, and author of metaphysical nonfiction and fiction. She founded both the United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church and her practice, Light Journey Enterprises, in Cincinnati. Her nonfiction work focusing on mediumship and spirit communication, published by Llewellyn Worldwide, has been translated into seven languages. She has studied, practiced, and taught metaphysics for over 25 years. Joanne Franchina is a life coach, medium, instructor, writer and the founder of Inner Compass, an intuitive life coaching practice. An ordained minister and certified medium with Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale, New York, Joanne has led workshops and seminars on meditation, mediumship development, creative manifestation and other metaphysical disciplines. Joanne helps people to create fabulous lives for themselves by using their inner wisdom in everyday situations.
November 20-21
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-7 Sharonville Convention Center,11355 Chester Rd
Daily Admission $15