Pleiadean Cosmic Healing Discs Ashtabula, OH
Some of us come back to help Humanity at this most Incredible Time to be Incarnated and have held onto many memories of a past life as well as off-world excursions. You are incarnated at this time to do great deeds and assist humanity in its evolution! Learn what it means to let go of limited consciousness, Embrace a New World in a New Way, and usher in New Vibrational Healing and Sustainable Ways of Living. Shari Lynn is a gifted insightful visionary and energy worker with over 30 years of study in the Esoteric. A UFO Contactee and Activator of Higher Dimensions Shari empowers others to embrace this Awakening of Humanity to be Ambassadors of Peace and Healing. Shari shares through her own experiences and work with Higher Dimensions to shift old paradigms to welcome the New Earth Humanity. Shari Lynn is the Creator of Pleiadean Cosmic Healing Discs
November 20-21
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-7 Sharonville Convention Center,11355 Chester Rd
Daily Admission $15