Heidi E. Kent, MA, CM, C.Ht.

Booth No:


Calm Your Negative Mind Chatter

Heidi is currently the Co-Director of The Kent-Cook Institute at The Nook, accredited School of Metaphysics, Mysticism and Spiritual Healing in Cornelius, North Carolina. She is a Master Palmist, Certified Psychic Medium, and a Spiritual Counselor. As a metaphysical teacher and advisor, she creates miracles in people's lives through life and relationship coaching, as well as past life therapy. Rev. Marsha is currently the Co-Director of The Kent-Cook Institute at The Nook. She is a Master Palmist, Certified Psychic Medium, and a Spiritual Counselor. She is a Metaphysical Specialist, Spiritual Counselor and Author. Rev. Marsha is a graduate of the Clayton College of Natural Health, having earned both a Bachelor of Science in Holistic Nutrition and a Master of Science in Natural Health as well as The Alliance of Divine Love Healing Ministry, with a Doctor of Divinity in Metaphysics and Spirituality. She has been a Certified Fitness Specialist and Instructor since 1984 as well as a Certified Personal Trainer and Martial Artist.


November 20-21

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-7
Sharonville Convention Center,
11355 Chester Rd

Daily Admission $15


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