Essential Elements Wellness LLC Palm Bay, FL
Clearing Negative Energy: A Demonstration of Smudging & Other Clearing Techniques Angie has a vast amount of training and experience in multiple modalities. She completed the certified natural health professionals program of Warsaw IN. She has earned certifications in Iridology, N.E.A.T, Emotional Release, Light Touch, Reflexology, Bach Flower, Jin Shin Jytsu, and Kinesiology. Her Family Herbalist certification was achieved thru Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing, and is currently working toward Master Herbalist. Angie is a master level Reiki practitioner. She has also achieved Master level Kundalini Reiki and Imara Reiki, along with numerous training sessions in related energy work. Angie has taken the principals of her many certifications and blended them into her own unique style of intuitive healing.
November 20-21
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-7 Sharonville Convention Center,11355 Chester Rd
Daily Admission $15