Todd Hankinson

Booth No: 404

Silver Moon Reiki
Cary, NC

Energy Healing 101

Todd Hankinson of Silver Moon Reiki in Cary, NC presents Energy Healing 101. Todd shares the basics of energy healing and details several different types of common energy healing practices (Reiki, Angelic, Shamanic). Learn what they do, how they are different from one another, and what a session is like for a client! This is an open discussion where questions from the audience are welcomed. Todd is a certified Reiki Master teacher & Archangelic Light Master Teacher, an Initiated Shamanic Energy Practitioner and the co-creator of the Pathway of Radiance training program for Divine Spiritwalkers.


February 26-27

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,
4285 Trinity Rd

Weekend Admission $14


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