John Thompson

Booth No: 504

Mother Earth Orgone
Vancouver, WA

Energy Secrets for Staying Healthy and Youthful

John Thompson’s exploration of energy and health began in 1976 with the first of 17 trips to the magical, mystical land of India. That same year he began practicing reflexology, Touch For Health and Breath of Fire. In this entertaining presentation, learn important keys for maintaining your youth and vitality including foot and hand reflexology, utilizing Pranayama to control your breath and your life and the 5 rites from The Fountain of Youth in maintaining eternal youth. Finally, learn about Touch For Health, including throwing “energy balls”, the history and amazing potential of Orgone energy and other incredible products that can change your life!


February 26-27

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,
4285 Trinity Rd

Weekend Admission $14


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