Thai Ton

Booth No: 508

NC Falun Dafa Association
Cary, NC

Falun Dafa: Falun Gong

Attend Thai's presentation of a traditional Chinese practice of Mind, Body, and Spirit to discover the power of self-cultivation. You will learn what keeps tens of millions around the world happy, healthy, and energized. People experience the technique will increase your energy and vitality, boost your immune system, and improve physical wellness in your body. You will achieve focus & clarity, relieve stress & anxiety, and improve long & short-term memory for your mind. Finally, you will acquire inner peace & tranquility, promote positive energy, and harmonize wellness in your spirit. Come learn the principles and the five powerful exercises of Fulan Dafa.


February 26-27

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,
4285 Trinity Rd

Weekend Admission $14


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