Hemp Generation CARY, NC HempGeneration.com
Join Alex aim to shift the paradigm of high stigma that still remains around cannabis through the synergy between quality, education and wellness. We believe in the importance of cannabis and all of its properties because we’ve witnessed what it can do for those in need of alternative and natural solutions, but this new generation is about much more than just the legalization of cannabis. We are living in an era where we are reconnecting with nature and what it means to be human. In this new “Renaissance” we will transcend and overturn the consequences of the Industrial Revolution, War on Drugs, mass media influence, and digital transformations. Purpose, compassion, curiosity, imagination—all the things that make us human will be cultivated and harnessed to shift our perceptions of this rapidly changing world. Let’s take a brief look back at history, in order to understand where we are today, to ultimately seek clarity and direction for the future.
February 26-27
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6 NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,4285 Trinity Rd
Weekend Admission $14