Betsy Lambert

Booth No: 26

The Astral Connection
Raleigh, NC

The Body Code Corrects Energetic Imbalances

Emotional baggage can cause very real physical, mental and emotional pain that may not be recognized by the medical community. Betsy Lambert's Body Code technique uses her medical intuitive ability to create a spirit-to-spirit connection to locate and remove energetic imbalances and limiting beliefs that are preventing the body from healing itself. Her remarkable story about how she was led to become a healer and poet is featured in the recently-released book, Women Living On Purpose, that will be available for sale. She will be explaining how the Body Code works as well as discussing how our limiting beliefs can affect our future success and happiness.


February 26-27

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,
4285 Trinity Rd

Weekend Admission $14


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