Emily Blank

Booth No: 10

Intuitive Healing with Emily Blank
Longmont, CO

How To Grow Your Intuitive Gifts In Five Days

In this workshop Emily teaches you how to set aside this self-doubt for just five days, take a few steps to get centered, and lean into the wisdom you are already receiving each and every day. You will learn how to live in your heart and work with your guides and angels each and every day. Emily Blank is an Intuitive Healer and Mentor based in Longmont, CO. An Intuitive Healing Session with Emily provides a safe and supportive space for transformation. Utilizing a dynamic combination of energy work, medical intuition, and channeling to support your growth, she will help you: Identify the holistic roots of dis-ease and create a plan for healing, balance your chakras/energy field, heal the past (inner-child and past life healing) in order to transform the present. Emily also helps you create harmony in your relationships, create a life path that is heart-centered and authentic. Learn tools for listening to your inner guidance and using it to transform your life


November 5- 6, 2022

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6

The Ranch North Hall,
5280 Arena Circle

Daily Admission $7
Weekend Admission $10