Josiane Apollon, PhD.

Booth No: 304

Intergrative Wellness
Miami, FL

Five Compassionate Love Strategies

We are love. We are relationships. As loving relational humans, learn why is it so hard to truly love and be loved. No one taught us how to fully love ourselves, let alone others. And better yet, how do we embrace our light and shadow sides, whether we're in the bedroom or outside of it. Now is a good time to elevate our loving skills and change the course of human-kind history. Come learn in an interactive workshop the 5 compassionate love strategies. You’ll practice some gentle Taoist Qi Gong and couples interventions to reclaim, maintain, and blossom your relationships with yourself and others for the greatest good of all. Dr. Josiane gives you the art of compassionate loving and the spirit of intimacy.


November 11-12, 2023

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5

Florida State Fairgrounds- Florida Center East,
4800 US Hwy 301 N

Admission $12


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