Adam Holtey

Booth No: 119

Five Element Mastery
Ashland, OR

Qigong for the 5 Elements

Join Adam as he discusses Qigong, an ancient mind-body practice that utilizes movement, breath, and mindfulness to cultivate health in the body, mind, and spirit. The practices he shares help you establish a strong connection between your mind and body, by releasing physical tension, emotional stress, and mental chatter. His upcoming book, "Qigong for the 5 Elements," is accompanied by an Online Course. Adam gives you a thorough introduction to the principles and practices of 5 Element Qigong, and share simple but effective Qigong exercises to enhance your vitality, energy, and spirit!


April 29-30, 2023

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-6

Westside Commons,
873 NE 34th Ave

Admission $10


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