Satiama -Enlighten Up Publishing Marvel, CO
Most hero-journey stories use archetypal characters and events to build narratives that resonate with the human condition. Author Susan Miner, who wrote the best-selling Jewels of Kidron, explores with audience members how the under-pinning of magical realism helps us to deal with the depth of today’s societal issues and why magical realism can provide a beacon of hope, guiding us toward our own courage and beyond the human frailties and beliefs that can hold us back from being the hero of our own lives. This fascinating lecture helps audience members to identify their own belief-based storytelling so that each can choose a different script, much as magical realism heroes are often challenged to do.
April 21-23
Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6 Colorado Springs Event Center,3960 Palmer Park Blvd
Daily Admission $8Weekend Admission $15