Lisa Ciardelli

Booth No: 103

Akashic Record Readings and Sound Bowls
Niwot, CO

The Akasha And The Akashic Records

Join Lisa as she discusses what is the Akasha and what are The Akashic Records. Lisa teaches how they relate to your growth and what you are to learn in this life. The Akashic Records are now more than ever available to you. As a teacher and space holder of the Akashic Records Lisa teaches you about them, helps you unblock your access to the records, or simply reads your records for you. In this talk Lisa takes a deep dive into both of those topics, the Akasha and your Akashic Record.

Colorado Springs

April 21-23, 2023

Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6

Colorado Springs Event Center,
3960 Palmer Park Blvd

Daily Admission $8
Weekend Admission $15


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