Adam Holtey

Booth No: 401

Five Element Mastery
Ashland, OR

Qigong For The 5 Elements

Adam wrote two books on the subject of Qigong, an ancient mind-body practice that utilizes movement, breath, and mindfulness to cultivate health in the body, mind, and spirit. The practices he shares help you establish a strong connection between your mind and body by releasing physical tension, emotional stress, and mental chatter. His upcoming book, "Five Element Mastery," is accompanied by an online course. Adam gives you a thorough introduction to the principles and practices of Five Element Qigong and shares simple but effective Qigong exercises to enhance your vitality, energy, and spirit!


November 4- 5, 2023

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6

The Ranch North Hall,
5280 Arena Circle

Daily Admission $10
Weekend Admission $10