Nicki Slattery

Booth No: 831

Golden Spark Tarot
Cincinnati, OH

Tarot: It Can Help You Get What You Want

As a divination tool, many of us come to the Tarot wanting to know our future. Yet the Tarot does so much more than tell us a fated story of how our future will unfold. It deeply connects us to our subconscious and intuition allowing us to understand our real motivations. During this lecture, Nicki grows your understanding of how to use the Tarot as a co-creator resource, understanding how to navigate subconscious blocks, work effectively with the energy around you and make decisions that serve your highest good.


April 15-16, 2023

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6

Sharonville Convention Center,
11355 Chester Rd

Admission $15


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