Lyn Hunter

Booth No: 21

Lightworker Ascension LLC
Oak Creek, WI

Healing Your Chakras With Crystals And Stones

The first eleven attendees receive our Chakra Chart and one of the stones from our Chakra Kit. Join Lyn as she discusses an overview of the human body's main chakras and the energies of the healing stones in our Chakra Kit. Lightworker Ascension's Chakra Kit contains a Chakra Chart that is an image of a seated meditating figure with areas of the body highlighted for specific stone and crystal placement. The Chakra Kit has a variety of stones that you place on the Chakra Chart during a guided meditation. Lyn leads a short guided meditation that focuses on the Heart (rough ruby) and Root (malachite) chakras.


October 21-22

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Midwest Conference Center,
401 W Lake St

Weekend Admission $15


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