Rose Reaves

Booth No: 3

RoseAngel Guidance
Bensenville, IL

Creating Your Life With Angelic Guidance

According to the Angels, you have aligned with the life you are currently living. Which means, if you are not pleased with the direction your life is going, then you have the ability to change it. Join Rose to discover how to create the life you want, and to align with your desires. Your Angels are constantly guiding you toward that which you want in life. The issue is in the receiving, as your disbeliefs block you from achieving all your wants and needs. Learn how to change your beliefs in order to change your life for the better. For what you believe in, is what you attract into your life. Free Angel Messages to all who ask; know that in the asking, all will benefit from the guidance.


October 21-22

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Midwest Conference Center,
401 W Lake St

Weekend Admission $15


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