Renee has been a Certified Hypnotherapist for 12 years. She has worked with people to change their life through hypnosis and become who they want to be. Sometimes people get stuck in a story that they do not know how to change. This story becomes a habit and habits can be changed. Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to guide people in making the changes they want easily and transform those habits. Join Renee as she discusses working with people in all walks of life and supporting them to walk on the path in the direction to where they want to go. They end up in a place of joy and success and peace. Here are a few examples of the changes people have made with Renee and her hypnosis techniques: driving over a bridge after 20 years of not being able to, quit smoking, weight reduction and maintaining a healthy life style, successfully eliminating alcohol from their life, and many other changes.
October 21-22
Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6 Midwest Conference Center,401 W Lake St
Weekend Admission $15