Neha Hinebaugh

Booth No: 203

Higher Dimensional Guidance & Healing LLC
Hendersonville, NC

Riding the Waves of Quantum Evolution

When feeling into this new year that lies ahead of us, many experience anxiety and trepidation, along with an underlying excitement. We know there is a whirlwind coming that will change us all forever, and things are going to get volatile to a point of no return in our outer world. These past few years have been difficult for many with sudden life changes, endings, and much coming up for healing. We have been purging lifetimes, received life-altering DNA upgrades, and been anchored into a whole new dimension of light. Some days we feel elated in a sparkling newfound freedom, and other days we have trouble functioning. As the frequency of Mother Earth is drastically being increased during this universal shift, everything we have not yet healed is being exposed at a collective and individual level. We are being made new so our divine spirit can work through us and fulfill what we came here to do. We are being blasted along a quantum evolutionary track so far ahead that we can be midwives to this new world that is emerging from the ashes of the old. Trust. Trust. Trust. All is not as it seems.


February 24-25, 2024

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6

NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,
4285 Trinity Rd

Daily Admission $15
Weekend Admission $15