Cinnamon Mancini

Booth No: 29

Cinnamon Mancini, Spiritual Medium
Virginia Beach, VA

Mediumship: A Connection To The Spirit World

Join Cinnamon as she discusses Spirit's directive that we are "Meaning Maker's", and that it is our job is to turn life's challenges into a life of meaning. Spirit wants to help us make these miracles! Cinnamon guides audience members through a guided meditation where audience member's have the opportunity to meet with their loved ones in Spirit to ask for spiritual help, direction, or guidance with current life issues. Cinnamon takes random audience member's questions regarding their personal life issues. She accesses answer's from her guides in the Spirit world. Sunday's Lecture: Cinnamon will choose an audience member at random and connect with their loved one in spirit. She will speak to the language of Spirit which is based in LOVE, and discuss how we are ALL prewired from conception to communicate with the spirit world. This lecture will be filled with fun, knowledge and the eternal truth that we are more than our physical bodies. YOU will not want to miss this event!!


March 2-3

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Midwest Conference Center,
401 W Lake St

Weekend Admission $15


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