Rachael Shannon

Booth No: 506

Aura Rae
Homewood, IL

Healing the Body through the Energy Anatomy

Join Traditional Naturopath Rachael Shannon to learn about how energy anatomy contributes to your health and vitality. Learn about the morphogenic field and secondary chakra systems in ascension and evolution mechanics and how imbalances in your field can contribute to poor physical health. Rachael will explain in detail how your body is a micro portal to the macro 12 dimensional universal time matrix planes and how to get in touch with the root cause of dis-ease. Experience techniques on how to shift your health with meditation, herbal supplements, scalar energy and dietary techniques that can catapult you toward your highest timeline by activating your 12 strand DNA potential. DNA is how the higher self projects the soul's essence into reality. Activating your Unity/Christ consciousness or krystalline DNA allows you to perceive the world from the perspective of your I AM consciousness. Unity consciousness is the sacred alchemical marriage within of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects of God. An energy and 12 strand DNA activation with light language transmission will be given at the end of the presentation to align you with your true Source God codes.


March 2-3

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Midwest Conference Center,
401 W Lake St

Weekend Admission $15


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