Marilyn Lawrence

Booth No: 712

Marilyn and Dale Lawrence
Portland, OR

Rediscovering And Grounding Yourself in 2024

It is sometimes easy to become lost in the changing dynamics of life events, and world shifts. In fact, to feel so lost that you begin questioning Who You Really Are, what your Soul’s Purpose is, and what you wrote in your Life’s Mission Statement. Marilyn’s Angelic personality and intuitive gifts have proven to set the stage for audiences across the globe to receive information that will not only accentuate their lives but accelerate them, too. If you have joined her at one of her events, you will understand that you don’t always know what to expect. It is not unusual for Marilyn to receive messages for seminar attendees and even visits from Angels, Divine Guides, and loved ones who have “graduated.” Marilyn Lawrence is a Divine Messenger, an Intuitive Coach, Speaker, and Author of eight books, including her newest release, “I Am My Own Creation, book & oracle card set; plus, she has more projects in the works. Utilizing her strong sense of sight in conjunction with her Divine Team, she can discover stuck energy and what does not serve people and help them to release it. Marilyn is passionate about helping people.


April 27-28

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-6
Westside Commons,
873 NE 34th Ave

Weekend Admission $10