Kristin Geeslin

Booth No: 2

Kristin Geeslin
Clearwater, FL

B.E.I.S.M.™ Living: Body, Mind, Spirit

As a person blessed to have started adult life with an interest in mind-body-spirit living, Kristin has had decades to "work out" how to do that in practical ways. B.E.I.S.M.™ outlines a simple format for focusing on creating our own wishes, dreams, and desires and, through that process, contributing meaningfully to a world that works for all. This system can be used in daily mindful intuitive practices for longer-term spiritual development and as a way of thinking about others as spiritual beings or souls rather than identifying ourselves or others with political attitudes, beliefs, racial or cultural appearances, or other lifetime sets of appearances. Generally, the more we can keep our attention on what we can influence, both energetically and through positive action, the easier our lives become and opportunities for creative expression and happiness increase. This doesn't mean we give up personal identity for this lifetime; it just means we can "sort out our truth" and do our best to make meaningful choices about what is serving our soul.


June 8- 9, 2024

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5

Florida State Fairgrounds- Florida Center East,
4800 US Hwy 301 N

Admission $12


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