Abby Hamilton

Booth No: 4

Everglades University

The Psychology Behind Speaking Your Value

Discover how to break free from self-doubt and unleash your true potential. Join Dr. Abby Hamilton and learn the secrets to confidently expressing your worth and making your voice heard in every aspect of your life. After studying the correlation between traditional values and assertiveness, industrial/organizational psychologist Dr. Abby researched factors influencing one's ability to assert themselves. Coming from a traditional Filipino family, she faced the challenge of reconciling her upbringing with the demands of a competitive society. This prompted her curiosity about the psychological mechanisms behind our behavior and how we can adapt to express our value, intelligence, and worth effectively. Today, she shares insights from her research on the human brain and psychological concepts that can empower individuals to become more assertive.


June 8- 9, 2024

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5

Florida State Fairgrounds- Florida Center East,
4800 US Hwy 301 N

Admission $12


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