Electric Katie Healings, LLC GOLDEN, CO electrickatieland.com
Explore awakening as a starseed, a soul from another dimension navigating the human journey. Katie shares her journey of self-discovery as an extraterrestrial soul. This transformative lecture illuminates the path to your celestial home. Delve into the quest for identity, what disconnects us, and the power of remembering universal laws. Discover how the perception of separation fuels our emotions and how aligning with our higher selves and guides brings clarity and purpose. Learn steps to detox, deprogram, and reconnect with your blueprint, accessing unique gifts and higher consciousness. Understand the DSM's description of spiritual emergencies, neurodiversity, special abilities, and the flow state of creators. Dare to redefine reality through the lens of psychedelics and ignite divine consciousness. Awaken, ascend, and embrace your cosmic heritage as a child of the stars. Join Katie in co-creating a new reality grounded in love, wisdom, and unity.
July 27-28
Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11-6 Palmer Events Center,900 Barton Springs Rd
Weekend Admission $12