Deborah Richmond Foulkes

Booth No: 9
Creedmoor, NC

How We Prove Reincarnation for Ourselves

In her six books written with Spirit, Deborah described her experiences and findings as an award-winning author and recognized historian. During the presentation, she shares stories from her fascinating research as well as demonstrates her mediumship skills, presenting a message from Spirit to someone in the audience using the English CERT Method. In addition, she calls on another person at random for a short past life reading using LIFETIMES, her divination deck developed with Spirit. This seminar is about using mediumship and past lives for healing in this lifetime with Spirit with an emphasis on the influence of Past Lives today.


August 17-18, 2024

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6

NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,
4285 Trinity Rd

Admission $15